This book of poems that are a child's prayers to God about her everyday hopes, dreams, and fears. She asks God for understanding and blessings, and always remembers to thank Him for listening to her requests.
Nikki Grimes' prayer-poems are wonderful, touching the hearts of young and old alike. The emotion conveyed through Brenda Joysmith's illustrations add to each poem’s potency. The prayers are written directly to God, addressing Him as a friend. It’s often said that children are closest to God. They know that He is nearby and can talk to Him anytime, about anything. There are no reservations in their expressions. In these poems the child prays for peace in the home, for confidence, for friends, for grandma, for work, school …all of the things that we struggle with growing up, and those we want to never end. She remembers to always thank God for blessings. Her introspection is surprisingly astute. “I’m always too something in somebody’s eyes.” Reading the poems bring memories back from childhood –not being picked for the ball team or wishing summer would never end. The connection between author and reader is realized in this collection of poetry.
I’m not a poet scholar and I’m not sure what styles are called, but I can see patterns in which the words rhyme or relate. There is a fine rhythm to reading the poem like a child telling a story. Not all of them rhyme, but the words flow together naturally, bringing the innocence along. Sometimes the prayer is a conversation or simple thanksgiving. I enjoyed them very much.
Nikki talks about writing this book in the introduction:
“Like the children in this book, when I was a child, I talked to God about my hopes, my fears, my longings, and all the ordinary, everyday concerns that touched my life. I still do. It's awesome to know that the God of the Universe is listening, that He cares, that He understands me, even when no one else does. I needed to know that when I was growing up. I think all children do, whether five years old or fifty. That's the reason I've decided to share the prayers of my childhood with you...” from From A Child's Heart © 1993 by Nikki Grimes.
I chose this poem (below) to highlight because it reminds me of a prayer I once said as a child. My grandmother passed one year ago and reading this brought vivid memories for me. The picture is my grandmother looking out across our Rio Grande Valley.
One More Year
Please give my Grandma one more year. Just one.
I know she’s been around a while,
But You don’t need her half as bad as me.
You see, she’s been my mom and dad as far back as memory goes
And she knows the ins and outs of being free inside.
When she got sick last night, I cried.
Don’t know what I'd do without her.
I guess I'd make it if I tried,
But I can wait.
Can’t You?
"To see the world without prejudice, hate or physical pain is to look at the world through a child's eyes. In these short poems, Grimes reveals the hearts and souls of children as they speak one-on-one to the Creator." American Visions
Something I like to do with children is to write out a prayer (let’s make it a poem) and put it inside a helium balloon. Say the prayer aloud or internally as you let the balloon go up into the sky. It’s easy to imagine with them that the balloon is on it’s way to heaven, delivering our prayer to God.
Benjamin Franklin Picture Book Award
ABA-CBC Books Mean Business
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